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The Pectineus, frequently referred to as “the comb muscle,” is a small yet powerful and indispensable musculature in the inner thigh. It plays an integral role in our daily movements and physical activities, allowing us to carry out actions such as adduction, flexion, and rotation of the thigh. In this article, we will explore its anatomy and function before providing advice on how you can safely stretch or strengthen your Pectineus for improved performance whilst avoiding injury.

Understanding the Pectineus Muscle

Anatomy and Functions

The Pectineus muscle is a long, flat muscle located at the top of your hip that plays an important role in leg movement. It has two parts -an anterior and medial section- known as one of the five main femoral muscles responsible for hip flexion. Its origin point begins on the superior pubic ramus and inserts into both the pectineal line of your femur and its linea aspera.

The Pectineus primarily acts as an adductor of the thigh, but it is also capable of flexion and external and internal rotation, along with stabilizing the pelvis. Furthermore, this muscle assists in twisting a person’s leg. It receives nerve innervations from both the femoral nerve and obturator nerves, while blood supply comes from branches of both the femoral and obturator arteries.

The Gluteus Maximus, acting as the antagonist muscle of the Pectineus, functions as a counterforce during certain motions.

Common Injuries and Treatment

Injuries to the Pectineus muscle are relatively common, particularly in athletes who engage in sports requiring repetitive kicking, lunging, running, jumping, squatting, or deadlifting. Soccer and football players are at an increased risk of Pectineus strains due to the nature of their sports. The most frequent sources of injury to the Pectineus muscle are over-exertion or over-extension of stride performed by power walkers and some runners. These injuries are often referred to as groin strains.

When the Pectineus is injured, localized pain in either side of the groin region will likely be experienced. Pectineus injuries can range from mild to severe muscle strains. Treatment for Pectineus strains includes rest, ice, heat, elevation, compression, and seeing a physiotherapist for treatment such as ultrasound and electrotherapy. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, help lessen the pain and inflammation associated with this type of injury.

Stretching and Strengthening the Pectineus Muscle

Importance of Dynamic Warm-up and Stretching

Performing a proper dynamic warm-up before engaging in physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of injury to the Pectineus muscle. Stretching that engages the adductors of the leg will also stretch the Pectineus, promoting flexibility and reducing tension in the muscle.

Exercises to Engage the Pectineus

Research has shown that the Pectineus muscle is highly activated during hip flexion exercises and only moderately activated while performing exercises that require rotational hip stabilization in either direction. Some recommended exercises for stretching and engaging the Pectineus muscle include:

  1. Lateral Lunges: This exercise targets the Pectineus muscle by incorporating adduction and flexion of the thigh. To perform a lateral lunge, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step out to the side with one foot while keeping the other foot stationary. Lower your body by bending the knee of the stepping leg, ensuring your knee does not extend past your toes. Keep your chest upright and your back straight. Push through the heel of the stepping leg to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
  2. Standing Hip Flexion: This exercise focuses on the hip flexion aspect of the Pectineus muscle. Begin by standing upright with your feet hip-width apart. Hold onto a support, such as a wall or a sturdy chair, if needed. Slowly raise one leg, bending at the knee until the thigh is parallel to the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds before lowering the leg back to the starting position. Perform the exercise on the other side, and complete multiple repetitions on each side.
  3. Isometric Squeezes: This exercise helps to engage the Pectineus muscle by working on its adduction function. Sit on a sturdy chair or bench with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Place a small ball, foam roller, or folded towel between your knees. Squeeze the object by pressing your knees together, engaging the inner thigh muscles. Hold the squeeze for a few seconds, then release. Repeat the exercise for multiple repetitions.
  4. Butterfly Stretch: This stretch is beneficial for loosening the Pectineus and other adductor muscles. Sit on the floor with your back straight and your knees bent. Bring the soles of your feet together and allow your knees to drop out to the sides. Hold your feet with your hands and gently press your knees down toward the floor using your elbows. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, then release.
  5. Seated Straddle Stretch: This stretch targets the Pectineus muscle by working on the muscle’s adduction and hip flexion functions. Sit on the floor with your legs spread wide apart in a “V” shape. Keep your back straight and your knees facing up. Slowly lean forward from the hips, reaching your hands toward your feet or the floor. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds before releasing.

Tips for Safe and Effective Pectineus Stretching

To ensure safe and effective Pectineus muscle stretching, consider the following tips:

  • Warm up before stretching: Engage in a dynamic warm-up or light cardiovascular activity for 5 to 10 minutes to increase blood flow to the muscles and improve flexibility.
  • Stretch gently: Avoid bouncing or forcing the stretch. Stretching should feel comfortable and provide mild tension in the muscle, not pain.
  • Breathe: Maintain steady, deep breaths during the stretching exercises to promote relaxation and oxygen flow to the muscles.
  • Hold stretches: Hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds to allow the muscle to relax and lengthen properly.
  • Consistency: Stretch the Pectineus muscle regularly to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.


The Pectineus muscle plays a crucial role in various movements of the thigh and hip. Understanding its anatomy, function, and importance is key to maintaining a healthy and balanced muscular system. By incorporating regular stretching and strengthening exercises for the Pectineus muscle, you can reduce the risk of injury, improve your overall performance, and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Remember to perform the exercises with proper form and technique, and consult a healthcare professional or fitness expert if you have any concerns or experience pain during the exercises.

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