Flexible Back: Lower & Upper Back Stretch Class in Dubai

All Levels

Our Flexible Back class takes you through a variety of exercises that opens up and creates space in your back.

Flexible Back

45-min – All Levels

What is a Flexible Back class?

Our Flexible Back class takes you through a variety of exercises that opens up and creates space in your back. Increasing your back flexibility helps with avoiding overall back pain and supports the development of better posture – this also decreases the amount of weight and pressure on your vertebra, releasing any tension in your spine and back.

Why is it important to have a flexible back?

“You are as old as your spine is flexible” – an ancient Chinese proverb with a whole lot of truth.

A strong, flexible spine is one of the foundations of our wellbeing. We use it to walk, lift, work, exercise and go about our daily activities effectively and without pain. However, our sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise, and injuries can cause our spines to lose some of their flexibility and strength.

Statistics indicate that over 80% of the population experience episodes of back pain at some stage in their lives. As a result, almost everyone can relate to back pain and the related discomfort and restrictions it imposes.

When we experience back pain, muscles around the area tighten and can make the pain even worse. Targeted stretching exercises led by experts can go a long way to increase spinal flexibility, strength and stability, and easing related back pain. This enables easier and deeper movements, and promotes greater mobility and balance in our everyday lives.

What are the benefits of a Flexible Back class?

Better posture, strength and balance

Tense muscles can affect the alignment of the spine and they also prevent nutrients and oxygen from moving effectively into the area. Once we start to gently stretch these muscles, they exert less tension on the spine – allowing us to relax, stand taller and have better balance. Nutrients and oxygen are then allowed to move freely into the area around the spine, rejuvenating the tissues.

Injury prevention

Lack of spinal flexibility increases the likelihood of injury to muscles, tendons and ligaments. Without regular exercise and stretching, these stiffen up and reduce the range of motion throughout the spine. The back becomes susceptible to movements that exceed this range of motion and so injury results. Regular, gentle stretching of the back effectively increases the range of spinal motion and reduces the risk of injury.

Increased wellbeing and mental clarity

Flexibility of the spine promotes the circulation of spinal fluid, resulting in increased mental clarity and energizing of the body. Your spine is a focal point for your central nervous system and protects your spinal cord – having a healthy spine allows your brain and spinal cord to work together to carry out all of your body’s functions. If your spine is out of alignment, it could trigger hormonal imbalances, migraines, and headaches, causing mood changes, lowered emotions and energy, as well as affect how well you sleep and how you respond to stress!

Group Stretching & Fitness Classes

We also offer a variety of group classes to compliment your stretching journey. Check out our different group stretching and fitness classes and join us!